JRES Go Green Team Updates 


Last year we launched the JRES Go Green Team to advance sustainability initiatives within our elementary school. Our first initiative was to implement a lunchtime composting program, in partnership with EATS PC and Momentum Recycling. Student volunteers help to sort trash during lunchtime, and each month we divert thousands of pounds of waste to to the Wasatch Resource Recovery Center, which you can learn more about here.


If you'd like to start composting at home, Spoil to Soil is offering JRES families a discounted price for their monthly composting program, which gets picked up at home at the same time as your regular trash.


We also have a community compost bin for FREE located right across from school near the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bin. Please feel free to collect your compost at home and drop it there! 



You can also donate any unwanted, outgrown or old sneakers by leaving them in the box in the breezeway! In partnership with GotSneakers, we're keeping sneakers out of landfills, helping get sneakers to those in need, and making money for our PTO!  


We funded additional recycling opportunities for hard-to-recycle items, like pens, pencils, art supplies, office supplies and crayons, in partnership with Terracycle and the Crayon Initiative. 


Here are some other ways our JRES Go Green team is making a difference: 

  • We expanded recycling opportunities, collecting pens, pencils, art supplies and crayons. 
  • Our PTO ordered a rain barrel to place at the school to capture extra rain water. 
  • Our teacher's lounge now includes reusable cutlery and compostable stirrers for their coffee.
  • Please reach out to Anna Wildman, annarobertson@gmail.com if you'd like to get involved with the sustainability committee! We'd love your help!